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October 8, 2024
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Friday Conference Center

Registration is now open!

8:30-8:40 Opening Remarks

8:40-9:20 Plenary Speaker: Tom Crea
(Redbud; In-person and virtual access)

Global social work for youth mental health: From evidence-based programs to community-driven systems
Tom Crea, Boston College


9:30-10:45 Panel Session 1A: Economic Security and HIV
(Redbud; In-person and virtual access)

A Popular Opinion Leader intervention to promote HIV prevention and care among Chilean youth
Irarrazabal, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Centering queer youth of color in HIV/STI prevention: Equity-based approaches and lessons learned
Allysha Maragh-Bass, FHI 360
Presentation title TBD
Diane Santa Maria, University of Texas
Moderator: Natalie Villegas, University of North Carolina

9:30-10:45 Panel Session 1B: Global Financial Inclusion
(Windflower; In-person access only)

Asset-building for education: The Canadian experience
Christina Norris, Employment and Social Development Canada
A savings-based approach to financial aid: Experimental evidence from Italy on university outcomes and an exploration of workforce development
Davide Azzolini 
Moderator: William Elliot, University of Michigan

11:00-11:50 Plenary Speaker: Anita Brown Graham
(Redbud; In-person and virtual access)

Our state, our work: The imperative to reach those left behind by education and employment
Anita Brown Graham, University of North Carolina




12:00-1:30 Lunch with Plenary Panel
(Trilium; In-person access only)

Diane Santa MariaUniversity of Texas



Ashley Leak Bryant, University of North Carolina




1:45-3:00 Panel Session 2A: Adolescent Wellness
(Redbud; In-person and virtual access)

Tracking educational trajectories of marginalized and high-risk Filipino adolescents
Judith Borja, University of San Carlos
Adolescents access to contraceptives in Zambia: A case of depo medroxy progesterone acetate subcutaneous self injection (DMPA SC/SI)
Monica Mutesa, PATH International
Shamiri: A targeted digital intervention to enhance disclosure, stigma coping, and social support among pregnant adolescents living with HIV in Kenya 
Winnie Luseno, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE)
Adolescent definitions of trauma and related wellbeing
Mary Cate Komoski, East Carolina University
Moderator: Lisa de Saxe Zerden, University of North Carolina

1:45-3:00 Workshop 1: Translation and dissemination
(Windflower; In-person access only)

Barbara Wiedemann, University of North Carolina

3:00-4:15 Workshop 2: Using AI to connect to resources
(Redbud; In-person and virtual access)

Sean Sylvia, University of North Carolina

3:00-4:15 Panel Session 3A: Adolescent Girls’ and Young Women’s Transitions
(Windflower; In-person access only)

Empowering futures through adolescent girls and young women: Insights from Footprints of Hope
Joy Shammah Ajuang, Footprints of Hope
Transitions from education to adult well-being and empowerment: Evidence from a systematic review
Fatima Zahra, Population Council
The Gryffindor Effect: The effect of manufactured identity on student high-stakes outcomes
Allegra Cockburn, Population Council
Moderator: Iheoma Iruka, University of North Carolina

4:15-4:50 Plenary Speaker: Elias Mpofu
(Redbud; In-person and virtual access)

Elias Mpofu, University of Texas
Re-orientating rehabilitation as a health strategy for empowered aging



4:50-5:00 Closing of the day: Gina Chowa
(Redbud; In-person and virtual access)

Gina ChowaGina Chowa, University of North Carolina