Dr. Sheryl Zimmerman
Dr. Sheryl Zimmerman is a University Kenan Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, School of Social Work, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). She also is co-Director of the Program on Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Care, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, UNC. Dr. Zimmerman is widely recognized as a leading expert in long-term services and supports for older adults, especially residential care; notable among her international work is comparative studies of end-of-life services and supports. Dr. Zimmerman has received two career awards from the NIH, written four books and more than 300 manuscripts, and is Co-Editor-in-Chief of JAMDA – the Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. In 2016 Dr. Zimmerman was recognized as the nation’s top-ranked social work scholar in aging.