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Dicky Baruah, MA

Dicky Baruah (She/He/Dicky) is a non-binary person from India, a doctoral student at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work, and a Research Associate at Global Social Development Innovations (GSDI). Dicky completed a B.Sc. in Home Science (Specialization in Human Development) in 2009 from the Assam Agricultural University, India, and an MA in Counselling Psychology in 2011 from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India. Dicky has over a decade of field experience working with various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) in many fields: LGBTQIA+ community, HIV/AIDS and STI, research and training, advocacy, women and children, microfinance in rural India, and corporate social responsibility. Dicky’s research interests are the LGBTQIA+ community, HIV treatment and prevention, intersectionality, stigma, and discrimination, neo-HIV prevention techniques (e.g., PrEP), and health inequalities.