GSDI Data Portal

AssetsAfrica, implemented from 2004 to 2008, was a demonstration and research initiative designed to test asset building innovations and their impact on household asset accumulation and well-being in rural Africa. The goal was to help build a knowledge base to inform future programs and policies to promote savings and accumulation of productive assets in sub-Saharan Africa. The project was implemented in Masindi District, Uganda. AssetsAfrica included a sample of 445 households in 57 communities from 2 sub-counties. AssetsAfrica was conducted by researchers at the Global Social Development Innovations, in partnership with the Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Louis and Build Africa Uganda.
For detailed information about the study, go to the AssetsAfrica site on our Initiatives page by clicking Learn More.
Data and questionnaires are available publicly for the baseline and follow-up surveys. To download the Public Data, go to the AssetsAfrica Dataverse by clicking Public Data.
Codebooks are available to download. To download the codebooks, go to the AssetsAfrica Dataverse by clicking Codebooks.
Please see the AssetsAfrica Dataverse by clicking Download Data.