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Black History Month Research Series Week Three: Community and Neighborhood Level Interventions for Black Populations

February 22, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST

“Community and Neighborhood Level Interventions for Black Populations”

Overview of Week 3: This week’s event will focus on mental health and well-being in Black communities. Our speakers will delve into effective, community-based mental health interventions. Hear from experts, learn about culturally sensitive approaches to suicide prevention, and explore humanizing approaches to research with Black populations.
Our Panelists:

Sonyia Richardson, Ph. D., MSW, LCSW, is an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s School of Social Work. She also serves as the university’s director of the Race and Social Equity Research Academy and is the founder and director of the Mental Health Research and Practice Lab. As a clinical behavioral researcher, Richardson’s agenda focuses on developing and testing novel interventions aimed at reducing suicide among Black youth. In her lab, she aims to identify and remove barriers to mental health treatment for racially minoritized populations and eliminate resulting disparities through mixed-methods, community-engaged research.


Von E. Nebbitt, Ph. D., is the associate dean for research and director of the Center on Urban Violence and Crime in the School of Social Work at Morgan State University. He earned his bachelor’s in fine art/sociology from St. Louis University. Nebbitt earned his master’s and doctorate degrees from the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. His practice experiences range from service coordination in the juvenile justice system, to public administration in the St. Louis Housing Authority. Nebbitt’s research seeks to enhance practice by assessing how various protective factors such as self-efficacy and community cohesion are directly and indirectly related to adolescents’ wellbeing.

Moderator: Dr. Rainier Masa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
We will host our event on Thursday, February 22nd, from noon to 1 pm through a virtual presentation. 
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