2013 | Kenya
The roles of livestock inheritance and formal education in intergenerational wealth transmission among pastoralists in Samburu District, Kenya
Economic Security
Samburu pastoralists often express the belief that formal education may be an alternative route out of poverty for poor pastoralists. The roles of parental wealth, livestock inheritance, and education in household wealth and income are investigated for two communities. Parental wealth and primary education, but not amount of livestock inherited, are positively associated with household wealth. Educational attainment is not statistically significantly associated with income. While livestock inheritance does not translate directly into greater wealth, there are structural advantages to membership in a wealthier family. The trade-off between investments in inheritance and herd growth versus formal education is discussed.
Lesorogol, C., Chowa, G., & *Ansong, D. (2013). The roles of livestock inheritance and formal education in intergenerational wealth transmission among pastoralists in Samburu District, Kenya. Journal of Developing Societies, 29(2), 213–232. doi:10.1177/0169796X13479710